Name: Cenk KIRAKLI
Date of birth: 13 June 1972
Department: Intensive Care Unit
Research interests: Mechanical ventilation, weaning, sepsis, hemodynamic monitoring
Degree | Institution | Year |
M.D. | Ege University, School of Medicine | 1995 |
Pulmonary Medicine | Dr Suat Seren Chest Diseases and Surgery Training Hospital | 2001 |
Intensive Care Medicine | Ministry of Health, Dr Suat Seren Chest Diseases and Surgery Training Hospital | 2012 |
Associate Professor | Inter-university Council | 2013 |
Medical license number: 80415/102071
- Oral presentation Gold Sponsorship. ERS Annual Congress, Copenhagen 2005.
- Oral presentation award. Turkish Society of Respiratory Investigations, 31st Annual Congress, 2009.
- International publication award. Turkish Thoracic Society 13th Annual Congress, 2010.
- Oral presentation Silver Sponsorship. ERS Annual Congress, Barcelona 2010.
- Published congress abstract award. Turkish Thoracic Society 14th Annual Congress, 2011.
- Oral presentation award. Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress, 2012.
- Oral presentation award. 9th National Congress of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care, 2012.
- ICU Director. Dr. Suat Seren Chest Diseases and Surgery Teaching and Research Hospital, Intensive Care Unit, 2004-2006.
- ICU Founder and Director. Izmir Tepecik Teaching and Research Hospital, Adult Intensive Care Unit, 2007-2009.
- Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician. Dr. Suat Seren Chest Diseases and Surgery Teaching and Research Hospital, Intensive Care Unit, 2009.
- Editorial Board Member. Izmir Tepecik Teaching and Research Hospital Journal, 2008.
- Group Secretary. Turkish Society of Respiratory Investigations, Intensive Care Assembly, 2007–2009.
- Vice Chairman. Turkish Society of Respiratory Investigations, Intensive Care Assembly, 2009.
- Organization Committee Member. Turkish Society of Respiratory Investigations, 32nd Annual Congress 2010.
- Intensive Care Units Accreditation Committee Member. Turkish Ministry of Health, Izmir Provincial Directorate of Health.
- Scientific Committee Member. Turkish Society of Respiratory Investigations, Intensive Care Assembly 33rd Annual Congress, 2011.
- Reviewer. Respiratory Care Journal, 2011.
- Reviewer. Journal of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Medicine, 2010
- Congress Secretary. 8th Annual Congress of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Medicine, 2011
- Member. European Respiratory Society, Respiratory Intensive Care Assembly, Long Range Planning Committee, 2011.
- Research Mentorship. Turkish Thoracic Society, 2011.
- Chairman. Turkish Society of Respiratory Investigations, Intensive Care Assembly, 2011.
- Guest Editor. Journal of Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine, COPD special issue, 2012.
- Editorial Board Member. Respiratory Case Reports Journal, 2012.
- Teaching Assistant. ATS-TTD, Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical and Operations Research (MECOR) Course, Kusadası 2011.
- ICU Director. Dr. Suat Seren Chest Diseases and Surgery Teaching and Research Hospital, Intensive Care Unit, 2014 - .
- Director of Supraspeciality Fellowship Program on Intensive Care Medicine, 2015-.
- Senol G, Kirakli C, Halilçolar H. “In vitro antibacterial activities of oral care products against ventilator-associated pneumonia pathogens”. Am J Infect Control 2007 Oct;35(8):531–5.
- Kirakli C, Cerci T, Ucar ZZ, Erer OF, Bodur HA, Bilaceroglu S, Ozkan SA. “Noninvasive assisted pressure-controlled ventilation: as effective as pressure support ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?” Respiration. 2008; 75 (4): 402–10. Epub 2007 Jul 11.
- Ucar ZZ, Taymaz Z, Erbaycu AE, Kirakli C, Tuksavul F, Guclu SZ. “Nocturnal hypoxia and arterial lactate levels in sleep-related breathing disorders”. South Med J. 2009 Jul; 102 (7): 693–700.
- Kirakli C, Asuk Z, Kocdor P, Erbaycu AE, Ucar ZZ, Cimen P, Celikten E. “Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy for Prolonged Intubation in Intensive Care: Four Years Experience in 101 Patients”. Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine 2009 Oct; 4(5): 329-333.
- Ucar ZZ, Erbaycu AE, Taymaz ZS, Kirakli C, Demir AU, Guclu SZ. “Effect of Hypoxia on Periodic Limb Movement in Sleep Related Breathing Disorders”. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) 2010; 27(1): 50–60.
- Ucar ZZ, Kirakli C, Bodur HA, Tuksavul F, Guclu SZ. “Maximum inspiratory pressure: Can it be a helpful parameter for predicting successful weaning in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients?”. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2010;30(4):1256–62.
- Kirakli C, Tatar D, Cimen P, Edipoglu O, Coskun M, Celikten E, Ozsoz A. Survival From Severe Pandemic H1N1 in Urban and Rural Turkey: A Case Series. Respir Care. 2011 Feb 9. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 21310115 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher].
- Kirakli C, Ozdemir I, Zeren Ucar Z, Cimen P, Kepil S, Ozkan SA. Adaptive Support Ventilation for Faster Weaning in COPD: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Eur Respir J. 2011 Oct;38(4):774–80. Epub 2011 Mar 15.PMID: 21406514.
- Güngör G, Tatar D, Saltürk C, Cimen P,Karakurt Z, Kirakli C, Adιgüzel N, Ediboglu O, Yιlmaz H, Moçin OY, Balcι M, Yιlmaz A. Why Do Patients With Interstitial Lung Diseases Fail in the ICU? A Two-Center Cohort Study.Respir Care. 2013 Mar;58(3):525-31. doi: 10.4187/respcare.01734.
- Esquinas Rodriguez AM, Kirakli C. Algorithm for non-invasive ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: could this be applicable for every scenario? Physiotherapy. 2013 Jun;99(2):181. doi: 10.1016/j.physio.2012.09.005. Epub 2013 Jan 26.
- Kirakli C. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. J Pulmon Resp Med. 2012 S9:e001. doi:10.4172/2161-105X.S9-e001.
- Esquinas Rodriguez AM, Zeren Z, Kirakli C. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in acute stroke: up new potential. Neurol Sci. 2013 Sep;34(9):1687-8. doi: 10.1007/s10072-012-1254-z. Epub 2012 Nov 30
- Esquinas AM, Ucar ZZ,Kirakli C. Nasal versus oronasal continuous positive airway pressure masks for obstructive sleep apnea: is this really a key point of effectiveness? Sleep Breath. 2013 Dec;17(4):1121-2. doi: 10.1007/s11325-013-0841-4. Epub 2013 Apr 8.
- Komurcuoglu B, Cirak AK, Kirakli C et al. Prognostic factors affecting survival in malignant pleural mesothelioma: analysis of 125 subjects. Tumori 2014; 100: 50-54.
- Esquinas AM, Ucar ZZ, Kirakli C. Deventilation syndrome in severe COPD patients during long-term noninvasive mechanical ventilation: poor sleep pattern, hyperinflation, or silent chronic muscular fatigue? Sleep Breath. 2014 May; 18(2):225-6. doi: 10.1007/s11325-013-0931-3. Epub 2014 Jan 23.
- Yasar ZA, Kirakli C, Yilmaz U, Ucar ZZ, Talay F. Can Non-Thyroid Illness Syndrome Predict Mortality in Lung Cancer Patients? A Prospective Cohort Study. Horm Cancer. 2014 May 16. [Epub ahead of print]
- Yaşar ZA, Ucar ZZ, Demir AU, Kirakli C, Kalenci D, Tibet G. Does CPAP therapy alter urinary albumin level in adult patients with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome? Sleep Breath. 2014 Jul 16. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25028170.
- Kirakli C, Ediboglu O, Naz I, Cimen P, Tatar D. Effectiveness and safety of a protocolized mechanical ventilation and weaning strategy of COPD patients by respiratory therapists. J Thorac Dis 2014; 6(9):1180-1186. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2014.09.04
- Cimen P, Unlu M, Kirakli C, Katgi N, Ucsular FD, Ayranci A, Guclu SZ. Should Patients With COPD Be Vaccinated? Respir Care. 2014 Oct 14. pii: respcare.03350. [Epub ahead of print].
- Kirakli C, Naz I, Ediboglu O, Tatar D, Budak A, Tellioglu E. A randomized controlled trial comparing the ventilation duration between Adaptive Support Ventilation and Pressure Assist/Control Ventilation in medical ICU patients. Chest. 2015;147(6):1503-1509 (SCI)
- Yasar Z, Kirakli C, Cimen P, Ucar ZZ, Talay F, Tibet G. Is non-thyroidal illness syndrome a predictor for prolonged weaning in intubated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients? Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015 Jun 15;8(6):10114-21.
- Kirakli C, Ediboglu O, Naz I, Cimen P, Tatar D. Author response to letter to the editor "Protocolized weaning from mechanical strategy in COPD: respiratory therapists versus physician directed-who guides best?". J Thorac Dis. 2015 May;7(5):E137-8. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2015.05.12. (SCI-E)
- Esquinas AM, Egbert Pravinkumar S, Scala R, Gay P, Soroksky A, Girault C, Han F, Hui DS, Papadakos PJ, Ambrosino N; International NIV Network. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in high-risk pulmonary infections: a clinical review. Eur Respir Rev. 2014 Dec;23(134):427-38. doi: 10.1183/09059180.00009413.
- Kayaalp I, Varol Y, Çimen P, Demirci Üçsular F, Katgı N, Unlü M, Kirakli C, Güçlü SZ, Ergene O. The incidence of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension secondary to acute pulmonary thromboembolism. Tuberk Toraks. 2014;62(3):199-206.
- Kirakli C, Naz I, Ediboglu O. Response. Chest. 2016 Jan;149(1):281-2. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2015.09.013. Epub 2016 Jan 6.
- Kirakli C, Komurcuoglu A, Hekimgil F, Tibet G. “Serum theophylline levels in patients with an acute exacerbation of COPD who were admitted to the emergency department”. ERS Annual Congress, Stockholm 2002.
- Kirakli C, Komurcuoglu A, Dilber H, Tellioglu E, Tibet G. “Effects of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation during acute hypercapnic exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”. 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest, Istanbul 2003.
- Kirakli C, Komurcuoglu A, Tibet G. “Effects of different flow waveforms and ventilation modes on lung mechanics and gas exchange in COPD patients during invasive mechanical ventilation”. 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest, Istanbul 2003.
- Komurcuoglu A, Kirakli C, Egemen O, Konya A, Bicmen C, Kalenci D, Tibet G. “Predictive value of microalbuminurea on prognosis in patients who are receiving invasive mechanical ventilation due to acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”. 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest, Istanbul 2003.
- Tellioglu E, Kirakli C, Komurcuoglu A, Meral A, Tibet G. “Weaning outcomes in SIMV-PSV and PSV”. 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest, Istanbul 2003.
- Kömürcüoglu A, Tellioglu E, Kirakli C, Aslankara N, Tibet G. “Readmission of COPD patients who had mechanical ventilation” . ERS Annual Congress, Glasgow 2004.
- Ucar ZZ, Kirakli C, Boncu M, Tuksavul F, Guclu S. “Can negative inspiratory pressure (NIP) measurement be a useful predictor of weaning outcome in patients with COPD?”. ERS Annual Congress, Glasgow 2004.
- Kirakli C, Cerci T, Ucar ZZ, Erer OF, Ozkan SA. “Comparison of respiratory and hemodynamic effects of noninvasive pressure controlled (PCV) and pressure support (PSV) ventilation modes in COPD patients with acute hypercapnic respiratory failure (AHRF): a prospective randomized trial”. ERS Annual Congress, Copenhagen 2005.
- Uçar ZZ, Koca H, Bodur HA, Kirakli C, Dereli S, Ozacar R. “Changes in overnight urinary uric acid excretion, uric acid/creatinine ratio as a tissue hypoxia marker in patients with obstructive sleep apnea”. Sleep Medicine, Volume 7, Issue null, Pages S106-S106. 8th World Sleep Apnea Congress, Montreal 2006.
- Koca H, Ucar ZZ, Ozden SS, Kirakli C, Yuzuak M, Ozacar R. “Urinary uric acid excretion and overnight change in the urinary uric acid: creatinin ratio as a marker of tissue hypoxia in patients with COPD and OSA”. ERS Annual Congress, Munich 2006.
- Taymaz ZS, Ucar ZZ, Erbaycu AE, Kirakli C, Cimen P, Tuksavul F, Guclu SZ. “Relation between blood gas lactate levels as a tissue hypoxia marker and periodic leg movement of sleep in patients with OSAS and overlap syndrome”. ERS Annual Congress, Stockholm 2007.
- Ucar ZZ, Taymaz ZS, Erbaycu AE, Kirakli C, Cimen P, Tuksavul F, Guclu SZ. “The measurement of arterial blood gas lactate levels as a marker of tissue hypoxia in OSAS and overlap syndrome”. ERS Annual Congress, Stockholm 2007.
- Ucar ZZ, Asuk Z, Kirakli C, Cimen P, Tibet G. “Decrement in microalbuminuria after CPAP therapy” . ERS Annual Congress, Berlin 2008.
- Kirakli C, Asuk Z, Cimen P, Ucar ZZ, Bilaceroglu S, Celikten E. “Percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy in patients undergoing prolonged mechanical ventilation: retrospective analysis of 66 cases” . ERS Annual Congress, Berlin 2008.
- Cimen P, Kirakli C, Edipoglu O, Tatar D, Bilaceroglu S, Cirak AK, Halilcolar H. “The use of noninvasive mechanical ventilation in COPD patients with severe hypercapnic acidosis” . ERS Annual Congress, Vienna 2009.
- Cimen P, Asuk Z, Ucar ZZ, Kirakli C, Bilaceroglu S, Tibet G. “The importance of thyroid levels in patients receiving prolonged mechanical ventilation”. 22nd Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vienna 2009.
- Edipoglu O, Cimen P, Kirakli C, Tatar D, Bilaceroglu S, Ozsoz A. “Evaluation of emotional experience in ICU patients”. 22nd Annual Congress of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Vienna 2009.
- Kirakli C, Ozdemir I, Cimen P, Ucar ZZ, Kepil S, Ozkan SA. “Adaptive support ventilation versus pressure support ventilation in the weaning of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: A prospective randomized controlled trial”. ERS Annual Congress, Barcelona 2010.
- Cimen P, Tatar D, Edipoglu O, Kirakli C, Ozden E, Ozsoz A. “Profile of geriatric patients in intensive care unit”. ERS Annual Congress, Barcelona 2010.
- Tatar D, Cimen P, Edipoglu O, Kirakli C, Ozden E, Ozsoz A. “Characteristics of cancer patients in respiratory intensive care unit”. ERS Annual Congress, Barcelona 2010.
- Cimen P, Tatar D, Edipoglu O, Kirakli C, Ozden E. “Our experiences in antithrombotic therapy for pulmonary embolism in intensive care unit”. ERS Annual Congress, Barcelona 2010.
- Kirakli C, Tatar D, Cimen P, Edipoglu O, Ozden E, Ozsoz A. “Characteristics of critically ill patients with 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1 )”. ERS Annual Congress, Barcelona 2010.
- Tatar D, Cimen P, Edipoglu O, Kirakli C, Ozden E, Ozsoz A. “Characteristics of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in intensive care unit”. ERS Annual Congress, Amsterdam 2011.
- Tatar D, Cimen P, Kirakli C, Edipoglu O, Ozden E, Guclu SZ. “Features of patients with interstitial lung disease requiring intensive care unit and the factors affecting the mortality”. 24th Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Berlin 2011.
- Kirakli C, Ediboglu O, Tatar D, Tellioglu E, Budak A, Naz I. “Effect of a closed loop ventilation strategy on the duration of ICU stay: A randomized controlled trial (interim analysis results)”. ERS Annual Congress, Viyana 2012.
- Tatar D, Yazicioglu Moçin Ö, Cimen P, Karakurt Z, Kirakli C, Güngör G, Ediboglu O, Adiguzel N, Tellioglu E, Salturk C, Balci M. “Predictors of mortality in cancer patients requiring intensive care support: Two-centered cohort study”. ERS Annual Congress, Viyana 2012.
- I. Naz, G. Ergin, S. Ozalevli, C. Kirakli, S. Ozkan. Investigation of balance problems and affecting factors in COPD patients. ERS Annual Congress 2013. Barcelona, Spain.
- C. Kirakli, O. Edipoglu, I. Naz, D. Tatar, F. Tuksavul. What is the optimum expiratory trigger sensitivity level for patient-ventilator synchrony during NIV in COPD patients? ERS Annual Congress 2013. Barcelona, Spain.
- P. Cimen, F. Ucsular, C. Kirakli, N. Katgi, S. Guclu. Should chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients must be vaccinated? ERS Annual Congress 2013. Barcelona, Spain.
- C. Kirakli, O. Edipoglu, I. Naz, P. Cimen, D. Tatar. Effectiveness and safety of a protocolized mechanical ventilation and weaning strategy of COPD patients by respiratory therapists. ERS Annual Congress 2013. Barcelona, Spain.
- Statistics and manuscript writing techniques. Turkish Thoracic Society 3rd Annual Congress, Antalya 2000.
- Mechanical Ventilation. Turkish Thoracic Society 5th Annual Congress, Antalya 2002.
- Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation - equipment, technique and indications. ERS Annual Congress, Vienna 2003.
- ACLS Course. 2nd National Symposium of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care, Ankara 2005.
- American Thoracic Society, Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical and Operations Research (MECOR) Course, Level 1, Kuşadası 2009.
- Techniques in non-invasive mechanical ventilation. ERS Annual Congress, Barcelona 2010.
- American Thoracic Society, Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical and Operations Research (MECOR) Course, Level 2, Istanbul 2011.
- European Resuscitation Council, ACLS Course, Çeşme 2011.
- Turkish Thoracic Society School, Basic and Advanced Bronchoscopy Course, İzmir 2011.
- ERS School Course on Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Vascular Disease, Lausanne 2011.
- Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Diseases Course. Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress, Antalya 2012.
- American Thoracic Society, Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical and Operations Research (MECOR) Course, Level 3/4, Çeşme 2012.
- International Course on ECMO & Euro ELSO, Paris 2014.
Teaching and Presentation Activities:
- Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation. Dr. Suat Seren Chest Diseases and Surgery Education and Research Hospital, Izmir 2002.
- Prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. Turkish Thoracic Society, Izmir Branch, “Ventilator Associated Pneumonia” Panel, Izmir 2005.
- Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections. Turkish Thoracic Society 8th Annual Congress, “Prevention of ICU Infections” Panel, Antalya 2005.
- Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilaton. Turkish Respiratory Society 28th Annual Congress, “Where are we on 2006 in Intensive Care Medicine?” Conference, Antalya 2006.
- Plethysmograph. Pulmonary Function Tests Course, Izmir 2006.
- Problems in Intensive Care Medicine Fellowship Program in Turkey. Turkish Respiratory Society 29th Annual Congress, “Organization and Standardization of Intensive Care” Panel, Fethiye 2007.
- Chairman, Poster Session. Turkish Respiratory Society 29th Annual Congress, Fethiye 2007.
- Nutritional Support and Immunonutrition in the ICU. Turkish Respiratory Society 30th Annual Congress, ICU Course, Bodrum 2008.
- Pathophysiology of Sepsis. Turkish Respiratory Society 30th Annual Congress, “Sepsis” Panel, Bodrum 2008.
- Brain Death. Organ Transplantation and National Coordination System Meeting, Izmir 2008.
- Mechanical Ventilation. Izmir Tepecik and Research Hospital, Emergency Medicine Residency Education Program, Izmir 2009.
- CPAP Procedures. Izmir Tepecik and Research Hospital, Emergency Medicine Residency Education Program, Izmir 2009.
- Nutrition in the ICU. Turkish Respiratory Society 31st Annual Congress, ICU Course, Cesme 2009.
- Artificial Breathing, Future Ventilators and New Modes. Turkish Respiratory Society 31st Annual Congress, “Using Technology in the ICU” Panel, Cesme 2009.
- Basic Modes of Mechanical Ventilation. Turkish Thoracic Society, “Invasive Mechanical Ventilation” Panel, Izmir 2010.
- Pulmonary Diseases in the ICU. Aydin Adnan Menderes University, “Intensive Care-Clinical Approach” Meeting, Aydin 2010.
- Monitoring and Invasive Procedures in the ICU. Aydin Adnan Menderes University, “Intensive Care-Clinical Approach” Meeting, Aydin 2010.
- Choice of Device and Mask, Humidification, Mode and Settings. Turkish Thoracic Society, “Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation” Course, Izmir 2010.
- NIV in Obstructive Airway Diseases. Turkish Respiratory Society, “Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation” Course, Istanbul 2010.
- Indications of Mechanical Ventilation and Initial Settings. “Mechanical Ventilation” Course, Practical Approach from Nose to Lung Course, North Cyprus 2010.
- Pathophysiology and Management Dyspnea. Turkish Respiratory Society Aegean Branch Meeting, Denizli 2010.
- Course Chairman. 7th National Congress of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care, Mechanical Ventilation Course, Ankara 2010.
- Basic Modes and Settings.7th National Congress of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care, Mechanical Ventilation Course, Ankara 2010.
- Choice of Ventilation Mode: Controlled or Spontaneous? 7th National Congress of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care, “Daily Topics in Mechanical Ventilation” Panel, Ankara 2010.
- Chairman. Turkish Thoracic Society 14th Annual Congress, “Planning and Performing Fluid Management in the ICU” Panel, Antalya 2011.
- Nutrition and Glucose Control in the ICU. Turkish Thoracic Society Intensive Care Symposium, Istanbul 2011.
- Course Chairman. Turkish Respiratory Society 33rd Annual Congress, Basic Intensive Care Course, Cesme 2011.
- Chairman. Turkish Respiratory Society 33rd Annual Congress, “Shock and Management” Panel, Cesme 2011.
- Dual Modes. Turkish Respiratory Society 33rd Annual Congress, “Modes of Mechanical Ventilation: Old? Or New?” Pro-Con Session, Cesme 2011.
- Chairman, Poster Session. Turkish Respiratory Society 33rd Annual Congress, Cesme 2011.
- Steroids and Neuromuscular Blocking Agents in ARDS. 8th National Congress of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care “ARDS” Panel, Ankara 2011.
- Teaching Assistant. American Thoracic Society, Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical and Operations Research (MECOR) Course, Kusadasi 2011.
- Pneumonia in the ICU. Turkish Respiratory Society, Izmir Branch Meeting, Bergama 2012.
- Management of ARDS. Turkish Respiratory Society Regional Symposium, Canakkale 2012.
- Course Chairman. Turkish Respiratory Society 34th Annual Congress, Mechanical Ventilation in Different Patient Groups Course, Cesme 2012.
- Common Problems in Mechanical Ventilation: Why don’t these alarms stop ringing? Turkish Respiratory Society 34th Annual Congress, Cesme 2012.
- Chairman, Poster Session. Turkish Respiratory Society 34th Annual Congress, Cesme 2012.
- Patient Ventilator Synchrony. Turkish Thoracic Society Basic Mechanical ventilation and Intensive Care Course, Izmir 2012.
- Course Chairman. 9th National Congress of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care, Mechanical Ventilation Course, Ankara 2012.
- How to Manage an Obstructive Patient? 9th National Congress of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care, Mechanical Ventilation Course, Ankara 2012.
- Chairman. 9th National Congress of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care, “Mechanical Ventilation” Panel, Ankara 2012.
- What is New in Mechanical Ventilation? 9th National Congress of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care, “Mechanical Ventilation” Panel, Ankara 2012.
- Course Chairman. Invasive Mechanical ventilation in Respiratory ICU Course, Izmir 2012.
- General Approach to Respiratory Failure. Invasive Mechanical ventilation in Respiratory ICU Course, Izmir 2012.
- Mask, Circuit, Bronchodilation, Humidification. Turkish Thoracic Society, Mechanical Ventilation Course, Izmir 2013.
- Basic Modes and Settings. Turkish Thoracic Society, Mechanical Ventilation Course, Izmir 2013.
- New Modes. Turkish Thoracic Society, Mechanical Ventilation Course, Izmir 2013.
- Approach to End Stage COPD Patient. Turkish Thoracic Society, Izmir Branch “Patient Management in End Stage Lung Cancer and COPD” Meeting, Izmir 2013.
- NIV as a Weaning Method. Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, “Advanced Noninvasive Ventilation” Course, Antalya 2013.
- Chairman. Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, “Recent Advances in Intensive Care” Panel, Antalya 2013.
- Chairman, Oral Presentation Session. Turkish Thoracic Society 16th Annual Congress, Antalya 2013.
- Automation in mechanical ventilation. Annual Congress of Anesthesiology, Pain and Intensive Care, Pakistan 2013.
- Chairman. Turkish Respiratory Society 35th Annual Congress "How Can I Wean My Patient from the Ventilator?" Session, Cesme 2013
- Course Chairman. Turkish Respiratory Society 35th Annual Congress “Invasive Procedures in the ICU” Course, Cesme 2013.
- How to set up the ventilator for NIV in a COPD patient? Pitfalls and risks. COPDIstanbul “Management of COPD with NIV” panel, Istanbul 2014.
- Challenges to ARDS definition and management. Emirates Critical Care Conference, “ARDS, Respiratory System and Mechanical Ventilation” Panel, Dubai 2014.
- “Intelligent Lungs” Workshop, Dubai 2014.
- Chairman. Turkish Respiratory Society 36th Annual Congress, “Difficult Cases in the ICU” Session, Cesme 2014.
- Diagnosis of ARDS. Turkish Respiratory Society 36th Annual Congress “ARDS Update” Session, Cesme 2014.
- Course Chairman. Turkish Respiratory Society 36th Annual Congress, “Patient Admission and Follow Up in the ICU” Course, Cesme 2014.
- When to ICU? - ICU Admission Criteria. Turkish Respiratory Society 36th Annual Congress, “Patient Admission and Follow Up in the ICU” Course, Cesme 2014.
- Preload Monitorization & Static Parameters. 12th National Congress of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care, “Hemodynamic Monitorization” Course, Antalya 2014.
- ARDS Module. Turkish Thoracic Society Winter School, Antalya 2015.
- Respiratory Monitorization. Lung Health and Intensive Care Society, Basic Intensive Care Course, Ankara 2015.
- Intellivent ASV in Clinical Practice: Case Studies. Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine “How to Implement Automated Ventilation in an ICU” panel. Switzerland 2015.
- How to Use ASV at the Bedside? Clinical Experts Workshop on Mechanical Ventilation, Switzerland 2015.
- Turkish Republic Ministry of Health, Intensive Care Nursing Course, Period 1, Izmir 2007.
- Turkish Republic Ministry of Health, Intensive Care Nursing Course, Period 2, Izmir 2007.
- Turkish Republic Ministry of Health, Intensive Care Nursing Course, Period 3, Izmir 2008.
- Turkish Republic Ministry of Health, Intensive Care Nursing Course, Period 4, Izmir 2008.
- Turkish Republic Ministry of Health, Intensive Care Nursing Course, Period 5, Izmir 2009.
- Turkish Republic Ministry of Health, Intensive Care Nursing Course, Period 6, Izmir 2009.
- Turkish Republic Ministry of Health, Intensive Care Nursing Course, Izmir 2010.
- Turkish Republic Ministry of Health, Intensive Care Nursing Course, Izmir 2011.
- Turkish Republic Ministry of Health, Intensive Care Nursing Course, Izmir 2012.